As a young teen growing up in Brazil, a country renowned for its beautiful women, I developed a passion for skincare. An obsession, really...
With high school graduation approaching, and my future uncertain, I knew one thing - that I was a shy girl suffering with rosacea. I had no idea how to minimize my red cheeks, and this was all I cared about. Skin, in fact, became the most important thing in my life.
I have been in the beauty and haircare industry for fifteen years now, working with major NYC salons including Elizabeth Arden and Julien Farel. Especially memorable, have been opportunities such as working on a runway show with Carolina Herrera. My path in beauty has has, indeed, been a thrilling journey...
Most gratifying for me, however, is the faith my clients have in my ability to transform their look through cut, color, or microblading of their eyebrows. The power, living in my eyes and hands, to evolve their look and confidence, is a challenge that I cherish and take very seriously.
Often I hear that my clients wish for better skin to compliment their new look, and, my dream, is to master all of my beauty passions.
Today, comfortable in my own skin, I truly understand the force of beauty. This is something I experience every day as women leave my boutique. I believe there is nothing more important than feeling good about yourself, because this fundamental joy is the foundation that affects everything. It is my honor to participate in this process, and, to that end, I am always seeking and discovering ways to bring you the best.
Let us celebrate our beautiful and mysterious essence, and get ready to allure and conquer the world.
The mission of DMARA Facial Boutique is to improve women’s skin with a luxury collection of products and a selective Mask Treatment as Caviar Gold, Sea Collagen or other customized to each client for their skin type combined with a facial massage movement to help circulation and prepare the skin to receive rich ingredients as vitamins, algae extracts, collagen, elastin, and minerals.